Sunday 15 October 2017

It isn't hard to put a HTML email interface on your website page yet it can cause pointless spamming issue for your email account. There are individuals, who can run projects to reap these sorts of messages and later utilize them for spamming in different ways.

You can have another choice to encourage individuals to send you messages. One choice could be to utilize HTML structures to gather client information and after that utilization PHP or CGI content to send an email.

A straightforward illustration, check our Contact Us Form. We take client input utilizing this frame and afterward we are utilizing one CGI program which is gathering this data and sending us email to the one given email ID.

Note − You will find out about HTML Forms in HTML Forms and you will find out about CGI in our another instructional exercise Perl CGI Programming.

HTML Email Tag 

HTML <a> tag gives you alternative to indicate an email deliver to send an email. While utilizing <a> tag as an email tag, you will utilize mailto: email address alongside href characteristic. Following is the punctuation of utilizing mailto as opposed to utilizing http.

<a href = "mailto:">Send Email</a>

This code will produce the accompanying connection which you can use to send email.

Send Email 

Presently, if a client clicks this connection, it dispatches one Email Client (like Lotus Notes, Outlook Express and so forth ) introduced on your client's PC. There is another hazard to utilize this choice to send email on the grounds that if client don't have email customer introduced on their PC then it would not be conceivable to send email.

Default Settings

You can indicate a default email subject and email body alongside your email address. Following is the case to utilize default subject and body.
<a href = " = Feedback&body = Message">
Send Feedback
This code will create the accompanying connection which you can use to send email.
Send Feedback



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