Sunday, 1 October 2017

Applies to NinjaTrader 7 

You may run over different circumstances where your NinjaScript records won't order. This can incorporate circumstances, for example,

  1. You are endeavoring to import a NinjaScript Archive File and you get a blunder, for example, "You have custom NinjaScript documents on your PC that have programming errors..." 
  2. You are new to NinjaScript advancement and by one means or another your records will never again arrange 

Since bringing in NinjaScript documents requires gathering of your whole NinjaScript library you will initially need to determine the blunders to take into account an effective arrangement.

First Step in Resolving Errors: 

  1. Reinforcement NinjaScript records (File > Utilities > Backup, guarantee that "NinjaScript Files" is checked and afterward press the "Run Backup" catch) in form 6.5 or later 
  2. Open any marker by means of the menu Tools > Edit NinjaScript > Indicator 
  3. Press the "F5" key on your console to order your NinjaScript library. A rundown of blunders will show up at the base of the NinjaScript Editor alongside the record name where every mistake is found. 
  4. Decide whether you never again require the NinjaScript document with the blunders. On the off chance that you never again require it, skip to stage 9. 
  5. Double tap on the mistake message to open the NinjaScript with the blunders. Endeavor to determine the blunder and recompile by squeezing the "F5" key. 
  6. In the event that the mistake still exists in this record, "remark out" a few or the greater part of the substance in the OnBarUpdate() strategy and recompile by squeezing the "F5" key 
  7. In the event that blunders still exist in this document, "remark out" a few or the majority of the substance in the Initialize() technique and recompile by squeezing the "F5" key 
  8. In the event that mistakes still exist in this record, "remark out" any properties that in the "Properties" district that might cause the issues and recompile by squeezing the "F5" key 
  9. On the off chance that mistakes still exist in this document, endeavor to erase the marker/system (See "To erase the mistaken record" guidelines underneath) 
  10. In the event that another NinjaScript record references a document you wish to erase, open the document that references the document you wish to erase and "remark out" or erase the reference 
  11. Rehash stages 2 through 10 for each NinjaScript that still has mistakes 

To erase the mistaken record: 

  • Apparatuses > Edit NinjaScript > "Select either Indicator or Strategy relying upon what kind of document you need to erase 
  • Feature the NinjaScript document you wish to erase and press the "Erase" catch 
  • On the off chance that another NinjaScript document references the record you wish to erase, you should first expel the reference to the document you wish to erase, see stage 10 above 
  • Press the "Scratch off" catch to close the NinjaScript record discourse window 

Step by step instructions to "remark out" code:

Remarking out code just intends to distinguish code which will be dealt with as a remark (not prepared) instead of real program code. This should be possible by including "//" before each line of code. The following is an illustration.


double myDouble = 5;
// double myDouble = 5;

Second Step in Resolving Errors: 

In the event that the above method does not resolve all blunders, you may need to reinstall NinjaTrader.

  1. Reinforcement any records you wish to go down (File > Utilities > Backup form 6.5 or later) 
  2. Close down NinjaTrader 
  3. Uninstall NinjaTrader from the windows Control Panel Add/Remove Programs 
  4. Physically erase the envelope My Documents\<NinjaTrader Installation Folder> 
  5. Clear you brief web documents in your web (program reserve) 
  6. Reinstall the most recent variant of NinjaTrader from our site

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